My Bloviation Celebration!

"One woman's life journey of love, laughter, and lipgloss..."

vendredi, mars 03, 2006

Too Much To Do! AAAACK!

OK, this is just a quick "HEY GUYS!" post to check in and say hello ("Hello!") Our sorority celebrates Founders' Day tomorrow, and I am just putting some last-second touches on things to make sure our event tomorrow goes smoothly. We are really excited and we've planned a really special event. My Vice-President did all of the work, and she's just amazing. I'll fill you all in on it tomorrow. :)

(Oh, and today's fun DEU factoid...if a 30% (or more) compensably disabled veteran is on a cert and management doesn't believe he or she should be, OPM retains exclusive authority to permit the eligible passover. It's actually called a "passover request." Huh, who knew?! And here I thought that if you had a preference eligible on a DEU or an OPM cert, you were stuck! Heh! Ya learn something new every day!)

Back to my Founders' Day preparations!