My Bloviation Celebration!

"One woman's life journey of love, laughter, and lipgloss..."

mardi, mars 22, 2005

Who's This JEN Girl You're Talkin' 'Bout?

Well Howdy!

It's me! Who, you ask? Jen! It's me! The cute, funny, slightly weird, chubby chick who happens to be the tenant of this blog! (Oh yeah, thaaaaaat Jen!) Yes, I know I'm a little late sometimes (read: "most of the time") with the rent, but I do still love living here in BlogVille(tm). Tellya what, I'll make it more of a priority to keep up my place if you promise not to evict me. ;)

Actually, I've been thinking about this blog for a long, long, long time. So much has been happening, both to me and in the world proper, and I've thought on many an occasion, "I should really blog about this." Not really sure what possessed me, but tonight, I checked my blog EMAIL and found a wonderful letter from a new friend. Her note couldn't have been more perfectly timed:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 4:22 PM
Subject: Your wonderful Blog

Hi Jennifer!
I stumbled across your blog and just loved it.... until I got to the pro-GWBush part. But really, the rest of it I just loved. You are funny and intelligent, and I'll bet your little Angel will inherit all of that from you. Keep blogging.... you really have a gift.


That was all the motivation I needed to get back on the BlogTrack(tm)! So to my new friend Robyn, I tip my hat and say a hearty "thanks" for bringing me back to BlogVille(tm). You can get to know Robyn better by visiting her blog. Tell her Jen sent you. :)

So anyway, it's been a mad last several weeks. Let's see, we had three birthday's (Daddy's, mine, and Curt's), I've been out of town for a sorority conference, I took two classes outside the office, and have been exceptionally busy at the office. As a matter of fact, these last few weeks have been amongst my most hectic and active professionally-speaking, of course. It's great to be busy and to be "a part," and I love it that I'm doing something meaningful. But sometimes, it would be nice to slow down and enjoy the ride a bit. Please keep your fingers crossed for me as I embark tomorrow on a big "first" - leading focus groups. FOUR OF THEM! After all of this work, it will be nice to get the perspective of the masses. We'll see. :)

Curtis took his flying lesson, which he loved! Loved, loved, loved! He's making plans to continue on with the program and actually get his private pilot's license. I am so excited for him! He was so adorable on the drive home from the lesson. He called me on his cell phone and just went on and on about how cool it was and how much fun he had. That was a damned good present. Next Christmas, I'll have one hell of a time trying to top that one!

(Curt'll be facing a similar challenge. I am totally and completely in love with the Samsung YH-820 that he bought me for my birthday! LOVE IT!! I have become quite the little Napster girl!)

Hmmmm...what else, what else? The Terri Schiavo case has been weighing heavily on my mind for quite some time...long before the media's significant and continual coverage of and attention to the case. And many, many a time (when I was more actively blogging), I wanted to throw in my commentary about it. There's really not much I can say about this that hasn't been said already. The Internet is teeming with blogs and commentary, nearly all of which, I agree with. I'll simply say this and be done with it. That beautiful woman deserves the opportunity to heal and to live in love. How anyone can read the reports and view the videos and think that she's "dead" (note: I intentionally used quote marks in to that what you will) is absolutely beyond me. She is very much alive. The creature to whom she is married is a despicable, disgusting individual. Never in my life have I seen such a blatant and selfish disregard for human life. And it sickens me to no end. Because this has been a huge part of my spirit and heart (and prayers and worries and energies) for the last several months (and because almost every time I think about/discuss the case, I get exceptionally upset), I won't say much more. I'll simply say that this amazing woman and her courageous, brave family need your prayers and love and support so desperately. Time is running out. I'll end with a warning to Mr. Schiavo's "live-in fiancee," Jodi Centonze. Get out. Run, as fast as you far as you can...away from that man. As was likely the case with Terri (read the reports), I'd bet the world that Mr. Schiavo is emotionally and physically abusive to Ms. Centonze (and probably, their children as well). I can't even imagine what her life is like...and their KIDS, Jesus. I can't even imagine. God forbid it should ever come to pass that Ms. Centonze or one of their children should become invalid or grossly incapacitated. History has demonstrated to us all exactly what would happen. As a mother, Ms. Centonze owes a better life to her children. And, really, to herself.

It's all just so, so, so sad.

On that note, I'll close up shop and head out to catch the news. It's good to be back, everyone. Hope you missed me as much as I missed you. :) Jen OUT! :)