My Bloviation Celebration!

"One woman's life journey of love, laughter, and lipgloss..."

mercredi, décembre 29, 2004

Let's See How Much Fun We Can Have! :)

I got this one from Tiff! (I don't know Tiff yet, but I found her blog while searching for other crocheters who blog. Hopefully, this will be a good way to network with other yarn fanatics and make some new friends!)



1. ...a movie;

2. ...a book; and

3. ...a musical artist, album, or song.


Ask me any three questions you like. I willwillwill answer them!


Cut and paste our little game into your blog and let's see how much fun we can have! :)

You can reach me at mintlipgloss-at-kc[dot]rr[dot]com!

(Jen out again...two posts in one day!)